Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Kristen Wiig Great Bathroom Moments

Alicia Silverstone Kristen Wiig Great Bathroom Moments

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 24th, 2013 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Alicia Silverstone

Being a potty mouthed actor or actress will usually get you in a movie with an R rating, but when it comes to potty talk in the bathroom, it gets an exclusive slide show at the Huffington Post.

“Celebrity Potty Talk: Stars’ Most Memorable Bathroom Quotes” has all the details on the bathroom habits of the rich and famous.

Thanks to her vegan diet, Alicia Silverstone‘s toilet time is so great, she doesn’t even need a cue card.

“I don’t have any reading materials,’ the star told Oprah. “I’m in the bathroom for maybe a minute, and it happens, like, two times a day. And bonus round–maybe three times.”

And while a vegetarian diet is great for staying regular, not every plant-based eater is going to win the Oscar for most frequent pooping, as former SNL actress and comedian Kristen Wiig confessed at Elle’s 2012 Women of Hollywood Dinner.

“I do want to say something from the heart, something actually kind of serious and truthful. I have not pooped in four days—four days!” Wiig said.

Read more great celebrity moments from the bathroom at Huffington Post.

Photo: Jerry Avenaim/Creative Commons

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