Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Elvis Costello Collaborate For Linda McCartney Foods (Video)

Paul McCartney and Elvis Costello have collaborated in a new YouTube clip that is part of a series of advertisements to promote a new line of meat-free dishes in the Linda McCartney food brand.

Costello, a vegetarian since the early ’80s, said, “Linda always talked well and made it seem that you wouldn’t be joining a secret weird society by being vegetarian.”

The animated clip from the #LoveLinda campaign is the first TV advertisement the brand has created in 15 years.

Several animal characters join the McCartney family in a musical journey before settling down for a vegetarian feast. Costello provides the voiceover for the piece produced by Passion Pictures.

For more information about the ad and potential updates to the campaign, visit Paul McCartney.

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