Quantcast Vegetarian StarRick Warren Condemns The Vegetarian Wrap

Rick Warren Condemns The Vegetarian Wrap

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 28th, 2012 in Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian.

Rick Warren

Rick Warren, the sometimes controversial and popular pastor and best-selling author thinks eating wraps that sound healthy is the equivalent of breaking a commandment.

At least if you’re a man.

In a recent Tweet, the pastor wrote that “real men don’t eat wraps (except for burritos).”

He later clarified this statement to a follower saying this transgression would be okay if the wrap contained bacon.

Hermant Mehta at Patheos replied to this set of recent vegetarian blasphemy:

“What does his joke imply, anyway? That only effeminate men eat wraps? That eating healthy isn’t something men should worry about? (Ironic, given that Warren has been in the headlines for leading a weight loss campaign at his church, and eating wraps might do them all some good.) For what it’s worth, I’m a man. I’m a vegetarian. I eat wraps. Rick Warren is wrong. (Again.) And sexist to boot.”

With the destruction large scale farming and the consumption of animal products has on God’s creatures and earth, you’d think Warren would be promoting more veggie wraps in whole wheat to his congregation and followers.

If a vegetarian wrap scares him this much, hate to see what he’d do if he saw seitan.

Photo: All About You God/Creative Commons

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