Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell On “Addict Nation” Of Vegan Junkies

Addict Nation Jane Velez-Mitchell

Jane Velez-Mitchell may be one of the healthiest journalists around.

But that doesn’t mean she’s free from any vices.

The vegan and animal rights’ activists has an excerpt in her book, Addict Nation, that discusses her occasional indulgence in food that’s not always the healthiest even though it’s animal-free.

“Here’s one of my addictive cycles. Every night when I leave work, I feel the urge to eat something. No problem there. It’s what I crave that’s the problem. As a vegan, I’m pretty much locked in to a healthy diet. You have to search long and hard to find vegan junk food. But, hey, I’m an addict. I will do that! I will systematically hunt down the most fattening, vegan dessert available anywhere in the tri-state area. When I find it, I eat it quickly, voraciously, looking over my shoulder as if somebody will take it away from me if I don’t gobble it down fast. About five minutes after the last bite, the remorse kicks in. Why did I just do that? Didn’t I just devour the same amount of calories it takes me an hour and a half to burn off during a session of thinly disguised torture called “hot” yoga? Why couldn’t I have just had another serving of cantaloupe instead?”

But who wants cantaloupe when there are dozens of vegan cookies, pies, cakes and the like available?

If you’re having trouble fighting the vegan junk food disease, maybe Jane’s book could help.

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