Quantcast Vegetarian StarEric Roberts Animal Love At National Geographic

Eric Roberts Animal Love At National Geographic

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 29th, 2012 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Eric Roberts

Actor Eric Roberts has an interview with the Barbie Twins at National Geographic.

The vegan and animal rights activist has one message he’d like everyone to hear, if nothing else.

Here’s what he told The Barbie Twins:

Barbi Twins: Celebrities get to use their platform to convey appropriate messages regarding animal welfare, as Bob Barker did at the end of his show, insisting on spaying and neutering pets. If there was one good message you could send out concerning animals, what would it be?

Eric: Always check your car, your clothes dryer and any small spaces to be sure your animals are safely out before you close the door! No animals left in cars, even with windows cracked, if the temperature outside is over 65 degrees. No angry outbursts in front of animals, even if not directed at them… They will be traumatized.

That’s definitely some advice we can all work on.

Of course it doesn’t hurt to go vegan and get involved with lots of animal charities like Precious Paws and Best Friends, as you’ll learn about in the entire interview.

Photo: Eva Rinaldi/Creative Commons

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