Quantcast Vegetarian StarBethenny Frankel On Thanksgiving And Vegetarian Daughter

Bethenny Frankel On Thanksgiving And Vegetarian Daughter

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 19th, 2012 in Actresses, Children, Food & Drink.

Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel‘s child hasn’t started school yet, but she’s already formed her opinions on what she wants on her plate for Thanksgiving.

The Real Housewives star spoke with Celebrity Baby Scoop on how she’ll be accommodating her daughter’s vegetarian palate this holiday.

“We don’t have an iron-clad tradition by any stretch! But one thing that has changed is the focus on what I make because my daughter Bryn is a vegetarian. We still have a turkey because my husband wants one, but I’ve adapted a lot of our dishes for her,” Frankel said.

“It’s actually been her choice. She just never wants meat.”

If Bryn’s Thanksgiving meal is anything like what she usually dines on, Frankel will probably be adapting the dishes to include lots of veggie chicken nuggets and sweet potato tator tots.

More at Celebrity Baby Scoop.

Photo: Gina Hughes/Creative Commons

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