Quantcast Vegetarian StarConstance Marie On Kid Versus Vegetable Matches

Constance Marie On Kid Versus Vegetable Matches

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 6th, 2012 in Actresses, Children, Food & Drink.

Constance Marie

Constance Marie is like many mothers in the world who may sometimes struggle with getting their children to eat their vegetables.

The Switched at Birth actress even went so far as to join a mom’s group where the leader was a therapist and confused her with vague, new-agey advice about fighting and avoid food battles.

“I realized a lot of children don’t like their vegetables,” Marie writes as People’s Celebrity Blogger. “NEWSFLASH: I am a vegetarian. I also wanted to raise my child vegetarian — there was no way I was going to raise a vegetarian who hated vegetables.”

Marie figured out some tactics on her own that included feeding veggies more often during the day and serving vegetables first and then moving on other parts of the meal.

“First, I served the vegetable. Then, I served protein. In our case, beans, tofu and veggie meat.”

“Then come the yummy carbs … ya know, all the things kids/moms crave!!!!! Lastly, the fruit! Another main point, keep the rest of the meal hidden in the kitchen because if kids see there’s something else, those little suckers want that instead, thus continuing the power struggle!”

Read more on Marie’s vegetable match with her child at People.

Photo: Hispanic Lifestyle/Creative Commons

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