Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Bloomberg Businessweek” Highlights Vegetarian Entrepreneurs

“Bloomberg Businessweek” Highlights Vegetarian Entrepreneurs

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 6th, 2012 in Business.

Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek featured a short article on the rise in entrepreneurs who offer meatless products or services.

“Vegepreneurs Set Their Sights Beyond Food” focuses on companies offering something other than food–clothing, shoes, office supplies and furniture.

Vegan shoe company Moo Shoes, eco-friendly office supply store Shoplet.com, vegan home furnishing store Aellon.com and vegan coat company Vaute Coutre are all mentioned.

Vegepreneurs discussed the principles behind selling products with standards higher then the mainstream industry and what motivated them to go into such a business.

“What does it really cost me to offer an equivalent green item that is similar or better in quality and price but has a positive impact on the environment?” Tony Ellison of Shoplet.com said.

Daniel Husserl, co-founder of Aellon, a $500,000 Brooklyn furniture business launched in 2011 that doesn’t use leather or dyes and shellacs made from insects, cited the desire to offer items that were both animal-friendly and attractive.

“We wanted to be able to create a product that had unique design [and] stayed away from using any animal products,” he said.

More at Bloomberg Businessweek.

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One Response to ““Bloomberg Businessweek” Highlights Vegetarian Entrepreneurs”

  1. ethon Says:

    really, Vegetarian shoes are eco-friendly shoes for wearing…