Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Thanksgiving Turkey Get Together

Pamela Anderson Thanksgiving Turkey Get Together

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 25th, 2012 in Actresses, Animal Issues.


Pamela Anderson spends her Thanksgiving holidays with turkey like everyone else. She just doesn’t put it on her plate. The longtime vegetarian and former Baywatch actress revealed she enjoys going to a farm sanctuary and spending time with the birds who’ll never become someone’s dinner.

‘I go to the Gentle Barn and hang out with turkeys,” Anderson told NY Post’s Page Six. “I tickle them under the wings and I sit them on my lap, and I feed them pumpkin pie.”

Anderson, a very active animal welfare advocate, has recently spoken out against horse-drawn carriages in large cities such as New York.

Attending a gala for NYCLASS–a group that wants to replace the horse-drawn carriage in New York with with electric, old-fashioned cars–Anderson stated, “They don’t do it in London anymore. They don’t do it in Toronto or Paris, and we’re still doing it in New York. It seems very behind the times.”

Photo: Darren Stone/Creative Commons

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