Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker Jorja Fox Honored By Animal Defenders International

Bob Barker and Jorja Fox

Bob Barker and Jorja Fox will be honored at an event by Animal Defenders International on the evening of October 13.

The theme for the night will be “Lion Ark Night,” to celebrate ADI’s successful rescue of several lions from circuses in Bolivia after the country implemented a ban on animal circuses.

Two different awards will be presented to each special guest.

Barker will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to animal welfare, which includes donations to animal welfare groups, starting animal studies programs at universities and colleges and campaigning for better conditions for animals. Fox will receive an ADI Animal Champion Award for her work with animals in entertainment.

The night will include music, vegan hors d’oeuvres, desserts, wine, spirits, art, speakers, and a glimpse of Lion Ark, the feature length documentary about the rescue of Bolivian lions.

The event is sponsored by several vegetarian and eco-friendly companies, including Alternative Outfitters, ecoVegan, Frey Vineyards, Mt Beautiful Vineyards, Native Foods Café, Paul Mitchell, Uncle Eddie’s Vegan Cookies, Veggie Grill and Vegin’ Out Vegan Meal Home Delivery Service.

For tickets and more information, visit here.

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