Quantcast Vegetarian StarTim Gunn Fashion Bible Says Thou Shall Not Wear Fur

Tim Gunn Fashion Bible Says Thou Shall Not Wear Fur

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 1st, 2012 in Books, Fashion, Fur.

Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible

Tim Gunn, fashion guru and consultant on Project Runway, has published a book on the history of fashion–both history you’d like to remember and that you’d rather forget.

Who’s up for forgetting tie-dye? Everyone should be up for forgetting fur as Gunn says it belongs in the “dustbin of history.”

Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet devotes almost an entire chapter to the atrocities of the industry.

“I became convinced that fur was unnecessary and even immoral,” Gunn says in the “Coats and Jackets” chapter of the fashion Bible.

During a tenure at Liz Claiborne, Gunn agreed to meet with representatives of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) concerning the removal of fur items from its 46 brands.

Today Liz Clairborne still follows the commandment of “Thou Shall Look Fabulous Without Fur” for its brands like Juicy Couture and Kate Spade.

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