Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Shark Tank” Features Liz Lovely Vegan Gluten-Free Cookies (Video)

Liz  Lovely Cookies "Shark"

Shark Tank, the ABC series that has entrepreneurs pitching their product for chance for some investment money from several well-known millionaires, recently featured a vegan-friendly company looking to expand with the sharks’ help.

Liz Lovely cookies are vegan and gluten-free, which leaves investor Kevin O’Leary wondering what can actually go in them.

“Gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free. What are they made out of? Sand?” he asks.

Lots of good things!

Like the gluten-free, Triple-Chocolate Mint Cookies with natural cane sugar and vegan dark chocolate–meant to give the Girls Scouts some competition!

Liz Lovely Gluten-Free Triple Chocolate Mint Cookies

Owners and husband and wife pair Liz and Dan Holtz were looking for a $200,000 investment in return for a 10% stake in the company.

O’Leary doesn’t like the taste and declines. A smarter shark would have asked more about the statistics of people who do like the taste of such cookies. Maybe he should have stuffed a few more in his mouth and just left the offers to the other sharks.

Investor Mark Cuban is actually a fan of gluten-free products! But he’s a little worried about the competitive market.

Two other sharks offer the Holzes a similar deal with a 20% equity, but the couple decides to decline.

No deal was made that evening, but Liz Lovely got great plugs from most of the sharks:

“Best gluten-free cookies I’ve had.” (Shark Tank Investor Barbara Corcoran via Twitter)

“…the most intense pitch EVER in The Tank. Even I was sweating.” (Shark Tank Investor Mark Cuban via Twitter)

“These two are superstar salespeople. I hope you’re taking notes.” (Shark Tank Investor Barbara Corcoran via Twitter)

Watch the episode of Shark Tank featuring Liz Lovely below.

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