Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialik PETA Ad Says “Go Vegan” It’s A No-Brainer

Mayim Bialik PETA Ad Says “Go Vegan” It’s A No-Brainer

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 1st, 2012 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Mayim Bialik PETA

Mayim Bialik has traded her lab coat as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler in The Big Bang Theory for an apron and other 50s housewife attire in a role just as important as explaining quantum mechanics and astrophysics.

Bialik tosses a steak fillet in the garbage in an ad that reads, “It’s a no-brainer. Go vegan.”

“The only way to be sure  that meat doesn’t poison your family is to throw it out. Protect your family (and animals) now by choosing vegan.”

And we’re not just talking about poison in the form of e. coli.

Meat has been linked to several major medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Not to mention a guilty conscious for making dietary decisions that harm other living beings and the planet.

“I think the most significant shift for me was I used to feel guilty,” Bialik said in an interview with the animal rights group PETA. “Even as a child, I felt very guilty about eating animals and never knew that there was something to do about it. And as I got older, it became clearer that there are things that I can do and choices I can make.”

It’s not rocket science. Go veg today.

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