Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood VH1 “Behind The Music” On Going Vegetarian (Video)

Carrie Underwood‘s VH1 Behind the Music bonus clip has the country music superstar explaining how her life growing up on her parents’ cattle farm prompted her to go vegetarian.

“My whole life we always had cows,” Underwood said. “Everybody had cows. People had sheep, people had everything,” she continued, referring to the farming community she lived in.

“I’d eat my hamburger and we’d have like spaghetti or baloney or hot dog or whatever and I just never thought about it. Never crossed my mind what that used to be.”

Underwood then goes on to tell how she found her parents performing a procedure on a cow designed to make it grow bigger.

The connection of her favorite farm pets and what they were going to be was quickly made.

“Lightbulb! I was horrified and sad and I just couldn’t believe that this was happening in our pasture. These cute, adorable, baby little calves, jumping around, playing around, will be on someone’s plate one day.”

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