Quantcast Vegetarian StarDetroit Lions Offers Slows BBQ “The Genius” Vegetarian Sandwich

Detroit Lions

Detroit Lions and fans have one more vegetarian option to chew down on at halftime.

Ford Field has invited Detroit restaurant Slows BBQ to the Lions’ home turf to offer several of its gourmet sandwiches that will be prepared fresh at its own concession stand.

BBQ still means chicken, pork and brisket–especially in the midwest–but Slows isn’t slow at all when it comes to knowing Lions have veggie fans in the audience.

Allows us to introduce you to “The Genius.”

The Genius

It’s been shown that vegetarian children are smarter than their meat-eating peers. Maybe that’s why the Slows vegetarian chicken sandwich is called “The Genius,”–“a vegetarian ‘chicken’ sandwich coated in sweet sauce and topped with Slows’ signature coleslaw and dill pickle strips.”

In addition to The Genius and its local, microbrewed beers, Slows will be serving vegetarian sides like Mac and Cheese and Cole Slaw.

Photo: Mary Meyer/Creative Commons

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