Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman Tells McDonald’s To Offer Falafel, Hummus (Video)

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman agrees that the new soda ban in New York pushed by Mayor Bloomberg is a step in the right direction toward fixing America’s health problems. But more can be done, as he explains in an interview with The Daily Ticker.

Bittman is asking fast food establishments like McDonald’s to make calorie content more visible and start offering more plant-based options.

“If McDonald’s wanted to make a dent in obesity, they could do something much better than posting calorie counts,” he says. McDonald’s could “encourage the consumption of smaller sodas rather than encouraging the consumption of bigger sodas. What I say to them is: how about falafel? How about hummus? How about more plant-based food that’s becoming much more mainstream in the U.S.? People know what this stuff is.”

Although most people know what these foods are, unfortunately, McDonald’s has shown to have trouble figuring out how to make a french fry vegetarian. As of now, the previously beef seasoned fries still have a dairy ingredient in them.

It would be lovely if McDonald’s offered a vegan burger, falafel wraps, and the like. It may be harder to actually get the restaurant to make those items genuinely animal-free.

Watch Bittman’s interview below.

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