Quantcast Vegetarian StarKellie Pickler Bald Cancer Support On “Ellen DeGeneres Show” (Video)

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Kellie Pickler was a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show where she displayed her new hairdo!

Pickler’s sleek, almost bald look was created to support one of her closest friends who was diagnosed with cancer.

“It’s just hair!” she said. “I will be honest with you, I was a little nervous and she was too. [We thought], ‘I hope we don’t have some crazy birthmark or wort or mole or something . . . but we had fun.”

Pickler, a recent vegetarian convert, discussed her personal experiences with cancer before learning about her friend’s breast cancer. She had a grandmother who passed away just shortly after being diagnosed.

After listening to Pickler’s story of support for her friend, Summer Holt Miller, you may decide there’s no better time to be a friend and spread the word on how a plant-based diet could reduce the risk of many cancers and that eating meat for just 15 days increases the presence of compounds associated with DNA alternations cancer growth.

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