Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman Tells “Instyle” UK Why She Quit Vegan

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is featured in the October 2012 issue of InStyle UK.

Inside, the former vegan shared what happened during her recent pregnancy that made her want to eat some animal products again.

“I was a vegan, but I went back to being a vegetarian during my pregnancy. I think you crave comfort foods [when you’re pregnant] and I wanted dairy,” she explained.

“I lean towards beans and lentils, but I love pasta and bread too. I was really into millefeuille for awhile. It’s flaky and creamy at the same time! Of course, if I feel like I’m packing on the pounds, those are the first foods to go.”

In addition to giving up creamy foods, Portman swins, runs and dances to stay lean, saying the activities give her, “good energy and focus,” making her feel better about her body.

Photo: josh jensen/Creative Commons

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