Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Bartlett Discusses Cruelty-Free Clothing With “Businessweek”

John Bartlett Discusses Cruelty-Free Clothing With “Businessweek”

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 10th, 2012 in Business, Fashion.

John Bartlett Ambassador Collection

John Bartlett recently launched the Ambassador Collection–t-shirts benefiting Farm Sanctuary, one of the nation’s largest animal sanctuaries for abused and neglected farm animals.

A vegan who eliminated leather from his fashion collections a few years ago, Bartlett spoke to Businessweek about his success as a cruelty-free designer in the industry.

Businessweek: The clothes in your high fashion collection are cruelty free. What does that entail?

Bartlett: Cruelty free means that no animals are used in the product. Everything I work with is either plant based or synthetic.

For example, for the Fall collection, I created some really cool jackets from ultrasuede, which is a recycled micro fiber.

Businesweek: Why do you think there’s such a disconnect in the fashion world between animal welfare and clothing?

Bartlett: The fashion industry does a lot of incredible things as a group, such as breast cancer and AIDS awareness.

To me, fur is the foie gras of fashion: a delicacy many chefs are fighting to maintain, even though it’s a very cruel process. Same with fur.

Read the entire interview at Businessweek.

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