Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Alicia Silverstone Says Prisoners Deserve Vegan

Alicia Silverstone

“I respectfully request you to ensure that vegan meals are available to Ms. Alekhina – and all prisoners. Regardless of the trial and its outcome, I’m sure you can agree that everyone has the right to show compassion and refrain from harming animals by being vegan.”

Alicia Silverstone, in a letter to Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, asking that Pussy Riot band member Maria Alekhina be given the vegan food she requested. Alekhina has spent several months in jail after being charged with “hooliganism,” in an act involving a controversial performance at a church. The musician has complained of several medical complications that have resulted from the inadequate nutrition the jail has provided in its meals.

Photo: Mark Coggins/Creative Commons

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