Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Pens “The Kind Mama” “The Kind Diet Cookbook”

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone will soon be spending many late nights snacking on hummus and pretzels while at her laptop. The actress has announced on his blog she’s writing two new vegan lifestyle books as follow-ups to her best-selling cookbook, The Kind Diet.

The Kind Mama will focus on vegan pregnancy and parenting while The Kind Diet Cookbook will offer more delicious vegan recipes like The Kind Diet did.

“The Kind Mama will cover fertility, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy. In other words, it will help you get knocked up, have a goddess pregnancy and birth, and grow the healthiest, happiest child!” writes Silverstone on her blog.

“The second book I’m working on will be called The Kind Diet Cookbook. This will be a companion to The Kind Diet, and it’ll be packed to the brim with the easy, delicious recipes your whole family can love!”

Both The Kind Mama and The Kind Diet Cookbook are scheduled for release from Rodale sometime in 2013.

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