Quantcast Vegetarian StarLizzie Armitstead Takes Silver For Britain And Vegetarian Cycling

Lizzie Armitstead

Lizzie Armitstead took home the Silver Medal during this weekend’s 87-mile Olympic games race in London.

The British cyclist told her mother at the age of 10 she wanted to become a vegetarian and the she’s been using plants to help her race to the finish line ever since.

“I’ve been a vegetarian since I was about 10 years old, just simply because I don’t like meat and I can’t sort of get my head around eating a corpse,” Armitstead said.

Yes, racing for 87 miles is hard enough without having to carry around a dead body or two. Congratulations to Lizzie. Whether you’re a Brit, American or from somewhere else around the world, you can cheer for this athlete who took one home for Team Veggie.

Photo: johnthescone/Creative Commons

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