Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathryn McCormick Steps Up The Organic, Vegan Revolution


Kathryn McCormick plays the aspiring dancer who moves to Miami in search of a professional career and soon falls in love with a leader of flash mob dancers in Step Up The Revolution.

She’s been featured in several music videos, the 2009 remake of Fame, and a finalist on So You Think You Can Dance.

Unlike her acting role in Step Up, dancing isn’t about pretending and McCormick has to work hard to put the right foods into her body to keep up her energy. She does this by frequenting natural foods stores and organic, vegetarian restaurants.

“People laugh at me because I’m like a Whole Foods fanatic, but I love anything organic and healthy,” McCormick said.

“I’m so into [organic] Sun Cafe and [vegan] Cafe Gratitude [in L.A.]. Right now I’m in love with this quinoa mac and cheese made with cashew cheese from Sun Cafe — that and their gluten free, wheat free, nut free chocolate cupcake. My least favorite food is probably a Twinkie.”

Not even a tofu Twinkie?

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