Quantcast Vegetarian StarJennifer Esposito Puts Gluten-Free, Vegan On Same Beat

Jennifer Esposito

Jennifer Esposito, who plays a detective in the CBS series Blue Bloods, did some investigation in real life after suffering from bouts of headache, fatigue, exhaustion and nausea.

Her diet police work led her to diagnosis of Celiac disease, a condition, according to one source, an estimated 1 in 250 people suffer from.

After solving that mystery, Esposito cracked another case–that some of the best gluten-free foods are also vegan.

“There are too many to list,” Esposito said in response to her favorite gluten-free foods. “I do know that I’ve taken my cooking and baking to a whole new level. I was always a “wanna-be chef” but now I make everything from bread to pizza to muffins to cookies. They are mostly vegan, delicious and packed with nutrition. I’ve also discovered a new-found love for naturally gluten-free whole foods.”

If you’re looking for a way to incorporate vegan, gluten-free foods, such as rice, soy, potatoes, beans, millet and buckwheat into your diet, try browsing some of the recipes on sites offering vegan, gluten-free recipes like Fat Free Vegan and XGFX.

For a basic lesson on gluten-free veg ingredients, what to use and what to avoid, visit VegFamily.

Photo: David of Earth (NY)/Creative Commons

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