Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama Vegetarian Winners Of Healthy Lunch Contest

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama has announced the winners in the White House’s Healthy Lunch Contest. The champion chefs will be invited to a kids’ “state dinner” where some of the lnches will be served.

The winning list is very vegetarian friendly, with some vegan options, such as the Vegan Sloppy Joes and Kale Salad. There’s even a winning tofu recipe.

Here’s a list of some veg-friendly kid-approved recipes that won Mrs. Obama’s taste buds.

  • Quinoa, Black Bean and Corn Salad
  • Rainbow Salad with Black Beans, Homegrown Mint and Lemon
  • Veggie Sushi
  • Sizzling Tofu with Green Onions and Snap Peas
  • Black Bean and Avocado Burrito with Pineapple Salad
  • Veggie Wrap
  • Veggie Pizza
  • Lentil Veggie Soup
  • Vegetarian Lasagna

A downloadable ebook featuring all of these delicious plant-based recipes will be posted to Epicurious.com in the future.

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