Quantcast Vegetarian StarLady Gaga Wears Meat But Eats Vegetarian In Chicago

Lady Gaga Meat Dress Born This Way Tour

Lady Gaga may have irked some vegetarians with any one of her several meat outfits, but during a trip to the Windy City, Gaga stopped by the Chicago Diner, home to some of the best vegetarian and vegan diner-style food.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Gaga ordered a black bean burger (aka The Black Mamba) from the Lakeview neighborhood restaurant. She later visited Karyn’s Cooked in River North on Friday for another plant-based meal.

And she didn’t even feel the urge to wear a sirloin skirt.

Chicago Diner’s Black Mamba is a “black bean veggie patty topped with coleslaw, lettuce, tomato & onion” that comes with the option of adding avocado or vegan cheese.

Given the fact she later Tweeted about chicken and waffles, the meal didn’t leave Gaga a vegetarian, but it definitely left her on the The Edge of Glory.

Chicago Tribune

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