Michael Vick Wants Another Dog
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 20th, 2012 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.
Michael Vick, NFL player convicted for his involvement with dog-fighting activities, has expressed an interest in owning another dog. Now that his parole has come to an end, he could be eligible to do so.
“I would love to get another dog in the future. I think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process,” Vick told NBC Nightly News. “I think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that I genuinely care, and my love and my passion for animals; I think it would be outstanding. If I ever have the opportunity again I will never take it for granted. I miss having a dog right now. I wish I could.”
Two different perspectives on Vick’s possible new dog ownership were expresed by animal rights groups People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Humane Society of the United States.
Both groups were approached by Vick to work with as part of his rehabilitation process. PETA turned him down. The Humane Society did not.
“Just as convicted pedophiles aren’t allowed free access to children, anyone who is responsible for hanging, electrocuting, and shooting dogs and who caused them to suffer in other unimaginable ways should never again be allowed to be within 50 feet of a dog,” said Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA.
Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the Humane Society of the United States said he thinks Vick should not be barred from owning a dog in the future, especially considering he has children who are fond of animals.
“It’s now a well-established principle within our movement that those convicted of malicious cruelty should not be permitted to have pets, at least for a number of years after a cruelty conviction, and sometimes even for life,” Pacelle said. “That’s my policy for Vick, too. But the court did not decide to impose a lifetime ban, and based on the work for animals he has undertaken since his release from prison, I don’t believe he should be forever banned from adopting a dog for his two daughters.”
Photo: Ed Yourdon/Creative Commons
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