Quantcast Vegetarian StarMario Batali Gives International Vegetarian Recommendation

Mario Batali

Mario Batali has shared his favorite restaurants internationally.

Most vegetarians and vegan know the way to good plant-based food is often through foreign or ethnic cuisine.

It’s no surprise that one of Batali’s favorite eateries has a vegetarian menu he highly recommends.

Mediterranean diets are well known for their use of grains and vegetables to fill a plate, meat being a small or non-existing portion of the meal.

Le Louis XV in Monte Carlo, Monaco employs this traditional principle with its meals and Batali says every tourist should, “eat the vegetarian tasting menu; it would blow you away how good it is.”

Le Louis XV is an upscale restaurant, requiring a suit and tie and be warned, there are no dollar deal meal combinations. Lunches start at $180, dinners at $260.

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