Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Creates Yoga Brand Tantris

Russell Simmons Tantris Yoga Collection

Russell Simmons is turning his passion for the spiritual and yoga into a money-making opportunity.

The longtime vegan has announced he’s created a yoga brand, Tantris. Photos of Tantris logo are posted to his hip-hop news site, Global Grind, which reports Tantris will include, “womenswear, menswear, yoga mats, pillows, meditation beads and scented candles.”

Yogis will be able to find Tantris items at department stores, health clubs, specialty stores, and spas.

“Yoga continues to teach me many things, perhaps the most important is the concept of non-violence in EVERY aspect of your life as a global citizen of the world,” he wrote in an article for Ellen DeGeneres’s website. “The more I opened myself up to the idea of the full scope of exactly what non-violence translates to, the less interested I became in consuming the energy associated with the flesh of an animal that only knew suffering in his/her life and pain and terror in its death.”

“The more I learned about factory farming and the cruelty animals raised for food must endure before they are led (or dragged) to slaughter, the more I realized that I could not, in good conscience, be a contributor to such violence.”

Simmons eventually would like to expand Tantris to include yoga studios, a juice bar and a vegan restaurant.

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