Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman Writes “Vegan Before Six” Cookbook

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman has been promoting his “vegan before six” eating plan–the one that allowed him to lose weight and lower his cholesterol levels by eating nothing with a face before dinner–for some time.

Now the New York Times columnist and author has signed a deal with Clarkson Potter/Publishers to publish a book with the same title, set for release in 2013.

VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health…for Good promises to give readers an ” easy-to-follow 30-day diet plan, based on 50 simple everyday recipes, including exclusively vegan meals for breakfast and lunch and flexible options for dinner.”

Clarkson Potter senior vice president and publisher, Pam Krauss, said, “Mark Bittman is changing the way we buy, cook, and think about food, showing us both how to improve what we prepare in our homes on a daily basis and why it is so critically important that we do so. We are thrilled to welcome him to Potter.”

Bittman said, “I’m thrilled to be reunited with Random House and especially happy to be on a list with the greatest names in the world of food, and in the capable hands of my long-time friend Pam Krauss.”

Bittman, the author of How To Cook Everything Vegetarian that contains an accompanying iTunes app, is one of the better-known non-vegetarians who regularly consume and promote a diet of at least flexitarianism.

“The principled diet, the diet that’s best for our health and that of the planet, is unquestionably veganism, or at least near-veganism, or a very very plant heavy diet, or “less-meatarianism” or whatever you want to call it: a diet of mostly plants, none or very few animal products, and certainly no junk or ultra-processed food (among which you could count industrially raised animal products), even if it is theoretically plant-based,” he said.

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  1. Mark Bittman To Turn Vegan Before Six Into a Cookbook | Ecorazzi Says:

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