Quantcast Vegetarian StarKaty Perry “Part Of Me” Included Vegetarian Chicken Military Style

Katy Perry

Katy Perry filmed the video to her single, Part of Me, at the U.S.’s Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. The song is about a woman who decides to enlist after learning her boyfriend has cheated on her.

Perry got into the role by going through drills and eating lots of vegetarian MREs–Meals Ready To Eat–standard entrees served to service men and women.

“I had the vegetarian barbecue chicken or something,” Perry said. “It’s actually really good. It tasted like a McRib.”

After Operation Dessert Storm, meals were created to more closely match the diets of the non-military population. In other words, meals that actually tasted good were incorporated in the MRE program. The military has done a nice job of providing vegetarian MREs, like veggie burgers and veggie lasagnas.

The MREs are suitable for a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet and exclude products such as beef, pork, poultry and animal by-products.

The military should be congratulated for doing what appears to be a good job of providing a variety of vegetarian meals to its members. But when it comes to providing vegan MREs, however, there are still improvements to be made.

Photo: Eva Rinaldi/Creative Commons

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