Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–BabyCakes Vegan Gluten-Free Pancakes

BabyCakes Covers The Classics

Rise and shine little veggies. There’s nothing better than pancakes for breakfast in the morning. Except vegan, gluten-free pancakes that are certified cruelty-free and made in your kitchen.

Erin McKenna, owner of the popular BabyCakes bakeries in New York and California, covers a classic breakfast staple in her latest cookbook, BabyCakes Covers the Classics.

Without milk, butter and eggs, what’s a pancake lover to do?

The answer is simple. Use every other ingredient but!

A little coconut or canola is a good plant-based oil to start the batter with. Toss out the moo milk and replace it with rice milk instead. Bob’s Red Mill offers a gluten-free baking flour and you’ll probably find a nice bottle of agave syrup in the same natural foods section to drizzle over these flapjacks.

Grab the recipe for these vegan pancakes at the BabyCakes blog.

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