Quantcast Vegetarian StarSalma Hayek Personal Juicer Offers Nutrition And Beauty Secrets

Salma Hayek

It must be nice to have a personal juicer. Whether that means he or she personally squeezes the strawberries over your blender while you stand around in Big Bird slippers or just provides you with packaged samples of laboratory formulated products, who knows. But Salma Hayek has one and he’s sharing some beauty tips for those of us who have to get our own fingers dyed from crushing berries every morning.

Eric Helms, founder of Cooler Cleanse, says a juice cleanse not only offers nutrition for your insides, it can give you Hayek’s Hollywood glow as well.

“Simply put, you can ramp up your energy lighten your caloric load, and revitalize your body and mind – all inside of 24 hours,” Helms said. “Besides flooding your body with over 20 pounds of fruits and vegetables, a juice cleanse has benefits such as radiant skin, increased energy and mental clarity.”

According to the Access Hollywood article, it may also be a good idea to avoid, “processed foods, red meat, dairy products, sugar, alcohol, instead try and eat a fresh, organic vegetarian diet” before starting a cleanse.

More on Helm’s cleanses can be found at coolercleanse.com.

Photo: Jenn Deering Davis/Creative Commons

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