Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Cupcake Wars” “All-Stars” Champ Book “Sticky Fingers’ Sweets”

Sticky Fingers' Sweets

Doran Petersan, a fierce competitor in the Food Network series Cupcake Wars and Cupcake Wars: All Stars, has published a cookbook, Sticky Fingers’ Sweets: 100 Super-Sweet Vegan Recipes.

Petersan is the owner of the Washington, D.C. bakery with the same name as the book title. Sticky Fingers specializes in vegan pastries, breakfast items and lunch sandwiches and was opened by Petersan in 2002.

Sticky Fingers’ is filled with 100 of Petersan’s favorite recipes you might find at her shop in D.C..

“My favorite recipe in the book is the coconut cake,” Petersan told Denver’s Westword.

“That’s very important, when you’re doing the article, to mention that the coconut cake is very delicious.”

Yes, the coconut cake is very delicious. But so are the Fudgetastic Brownies, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Pecan Spice Coffee Cake, Cranberry Ginger Scones, Chocolate Seltzer Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Little Devils, Cowvins and of course, Sticky Buns.

Also included in the book is a “Love Bite,” section containing tips for vegan baking techniques, something Petersan refers to as food science.

“Once you understand what is happening in the interactions between various ingredients, you can apply it to other situations and applications. We don’t use a lot of super-difficult forms of food science; there’s all sorts of crazy stuff that you can do, but we try to keep it as simple as possible so that it’s easier for us to mimic, for example, what eggs would do in a recipe, or what milk would do. Sometimes it’s as simple as replacing cow’s milk with soy milk or almond milk, and then in other cases it’s a little more difficult when you have to think about mixing technique and baking time and cooking temperature, you know, the physicality of food science.”

Sticky Fingers is available from the Penguin Group publishers.

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