Quantcast Vegetarian StarScott Jurek Got Good Vegan Advice At McDonald’s

Scott Jurek

Who would think you’d find someone preaching the vegan gospel at a place like McDonald’s?

Vegan ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek said he found just that while waiting in line to order chicken sandwiches from the fast food giant.

So who wasn’t all that happy about Happy Meals?

“That was my ex-wife,” Jurek said. “I was buying the two chicken sandwiches and large fries that I used to get four times a week. Jenny was refilling a co-worker’s soda. She introduced me to it but it wasn’t until I watched my mom’s slow decline from MS and then read Andrew Weil’s “Spontaneous Healing” that I realized the importance of nutrition. I’m a physical therapist and I started doubting if I was really doing my patients any good if I wasn’t teaching them about nutrition.”

Despite the fact meat was the food group he ate from the most during his youth  and early adulthood, today he no longer craves McNuggets.

“It’s surprising because I ate so much pot roast, pork chops and fried fish growing up. Now my diet is balanced. I don’t feel deprived. I eat vegan ice cream, yogurt, cheeses and pizza.”

Photo: Christophe Vatinel/Creative Commons

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