Quantcast Vegetarian StarLarry Hagman Vegan Chef Gave Him Another Boom

Larry Hagman Vegan Chef Gave Him Another Boom

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 18th, 2012 in Actors, Food & Drink.

Larry Hagman

Larry Hagman is one of the veterans returning to the revival of Dallas. At 80-years old, some may wonder if the actor who plays a successful oil tycoon, can keep up with the pace 20 years later.

There will be no replacement for J.R. Ewing anytime soon, as he assured, “Actors can’t retire. If I make it another ten years, I’ll be 90 years old!”

Must be those kale, spinach and cucumber drinks his personal vegan chefs concocts.

Taking the advice of former Dallas co-star Linda Gray, who is also a vegetarian, Hagman dropped all animal products from his diet after being diagnosed with what he calls a “common and beatable” cancer.

“When I was diagnosed, Ms Gray said, ‘Well, you’ve got to be a vegan now.’ I said, ‘Are you kidding?’ She says, ‘No, it’ll help you. It’ll get you off all those steroids with meats and turkey and chicken and beef and stuff and it’ll cleanse your body.’”

“So she got me a chef named Nancy Addison who knows more about vegan diets than anybody in the world I’ve ever met.”

“She’s about 5ft 2in, has gorgeous blonde hair and she talks so soft, I can’t understand a word she’s saying! She put me on this diet. I drink these diet things and they’re kale and spinach and cucumber.”

J.R.’s experienced yet another boom, this one a little more eco-friendly. Drink veg, baby, drink veg.

Photo: www.promiflash.de – Bitte bei Bildverwendung auch Link setzen/Creative Commons

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