Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Carol Alt Quinoa And Pesto Stuffed Tomatoes

Easy Sexy Raw Carol Alt

Carol Alt has published a cookbook, Easy, Sexy Raw, filled with 130 recipes containing foods she claims cured her of many ailments, including stomach issues and fatigue.

Those familiar with raw diets know they’re not always vegetarian, as is the case with Alt’s book, as some of the “raw food essentials” listed in the book include cured fish and meat. However, there are many vegetarian and vegan meals to choose from in Easy, Sexy Raw, like Salad Pizza with Tomato Sauce and Quinoa and Pesto Stuffed Tomatoes, a beautiful picture of which can be seen below.

Quinoa and Pesto Stuffed Tomato

“People are hungry because their food isn’t nutritious,” Alt said. “Because raw food is so nutritionally dense, you eat it and it’ll feed your body. Take it from someone who has been through health issues, it doesn’t matter if you’re the No. 1 model in the world or you’re a mechanic working on somebody’s car, this is the best defense we have.”

These stuffed tomatoes may make you hungry at first, but after consuming this high-protein grain that’s often substituted in rice dishes inside of Vitamin A and Vitamin C-rich tomatoes, both your stomach and your taste buds will feel satisfied.

Grab the recipe for Alt’s Quinoa and Pesto Stuffed Tomatoes.

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