Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Gives Eco-Friendly Father’s Day Recommendations

Alicia Silverstone's Father's Day Gifts

Father’s Day is just around the corner and vegetarians and vegans should set a good example for dad by giving him a gift that’s cruelty-free and eco-friendly.

Alicia Silverstone has compiled a list of items that will both make dad happy and you feel good about spreading the word on the environment.

Whether he’s 40, 60 or 90, dad still likes being macho, right? There’s nothing manlier than vegan protein powders designed by a triathlete who fuels himself entirely on plants.

“Vega Smoothies – Vega was created by Brendan Brazier, who is a triathlete. He’s created a whole line of products for high-performance athletes and us layfolk alike. This formula is only 100 calories and it’s loaded with proteins, essential fats, fibers, greens and probiotics.”

Dad took care of you and he knows the value of being able to support and provide for his family. He’d want to drink a coffee every morning that helps ensure farmers in other nations can provide for their children too.

“Weaver’s Organic and Fair-Trade Coffee – I don’t drink coffee, cause I’m a superhero, so I know it’s weird to see me offer it here. But for those who do, Weaver’s coffee is organically grown and Fair Trade Certified, which means Weavers directly supports a better life for farmers and farm workers in the developing world through fair prices, community development and environmental stewardship.”

See Silverstone’s other Father’s Day recommendations at The Kind Life.

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