Quantcast Vegetarian StarVictoria Moran Wants To Bring Out The “Main Street Vegan” In You

Main Street Vegan Victoria Moran

Victoria Moran‘s latest book, Main Street Vegan is, from what the title hints at, all about making veganism a more mainstream movement.

Growing up in the midwest, Moran says “people confused yoga and yogurt, and both were just odd.”

Today, she hopes not only to help them distinguish between the exercise and dairy product, but teach the basic principles of incorporating the rights foods into a well-balanced animal-free diet for better health.

Besides defining “yoga” and “yogurt,” Moran has also taken the time to define what a Main Street Vegan is.

“A main street vegan is a regular person who has a sense that for the sake of their own health, or for the animals that are giving their lives for this food, or for this very deserving planet, maybe he or she needs to do something a little bit strange and change their diet,” Moran said.

So Main Street Vegans need not be hippies? And eat granola at every meal? Or march grandma’s lawn at Thanksgiving protesting her use of real birds and not Tofurkey?

Sounds like a plan to bring more people to the movement.

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