Quantcast Vegetarian StarOliver Stone Protests Military Use Of Animals For Training

Oliver Stone Protests Military Use Of Animals For Training

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 4th, 2012 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone is a U.S. military veteran who, although is proud to have served his country, could be a little happier knowing it didn’t use animals for experiments that could be carried out without them.

Army officials for Fort Bragg, Carolina have planned to purchase goats for training drills that result in the animals being killed.

Oliver took some time to respond to this decision, urging the military to reconsider it.

In a video obtained by WENN, Stone said, “As a veteran, I believe that those who are willing to fight for our country need the best possible training. Giving them a goat who was dismembered with hedge trimmers is not it.”

“In the 21st century, there are more humane and effective ways to train service members than violently dismembering live animals.”

As many as 3,600 goats have been set aside for purchase. Oliver and representatives from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have suggested using human-like simulators, which more realistically represents what a soldier might encounter during battle.

The Department of Defense has a long history of using animals for both experiments and training. PETA estimates about 342,000 primates, dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, cats, and other animals being hurt or killed due to these tests. Other sources have placed that number at 20,000,000.

Photo: nicolas genin/Creative Commons

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