Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrendan Brazier “Thrive Foods” Receives International Book Award

Thrive Foods Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier has received the International Book Award for his nutrition and vegan cookbook, Thrive Foods: 200 Plant-Based Recipes for Peak Health.

Brazier’s won in the IBA’s category of “Health: General” and was chosen by a panel of individual with various writing and editorial experience from books produced by a variety of publishers.

“It’s an honour to be recognized for ‘Thrive Foods,’” says Brendan. “I’m passionate about the message of whole-food performance nutrition and am really proud of the book.”

Brazier is a tri-athlete who has published several titles and formulated his own brand of vegan energy/nutrition supplements.

He has credited his grueling exercise and training routine for inspiration for his books.

“I find it is really helpful when I go for a run,” he said. “I wrote most of The Thrive Diet while I was running. All of the ideas and the thoughts would seem to organize themselves, and when I got home, I would write them down.”

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