Quantcast Vegetarian StarMissy Higgins Australia’s Sexiest Vegetarian

Missy Higgins

Missy Higgins has been chosen as the Sexiest Vegetarian of Australia in a poll by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

“I’m just a real lover of animals and I think when I was a kid that’s why I became a vegetarian,” Higgins said.

Plus, she learned a really good lesson in boarding school about where food comes from. Or, rather, not knowing where it comes from.

“I went to boarding school and the meat that was served was disgusting mass-manufactured mystery meat and so it wasn’t very hard to get motivated not to eat that.”

Higgins beat other popular stars like Sia and Abbie Cornish.

Her latest album, The Ol’ Razzle Dazzle, is set for release this Friday.

Photo: Itapp at en.wikipedia

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