Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Scott Jurek Combines Running And Cooking Loves In Book

Eat & Run Scott Jurek

“Well, people have been telling me for years: “You’ve got to do a cookbook,” because they know how much I love to cook and spend time in the kitchen and cook up tasty meals without a lot of extravagant affair. But, it was a hard thing because I’ve had a bunch of other people asking for years about a running book. So it was like, how can I combine the two of them, and give something for everyone?”

“And that’s really the idea behind inserting the recipes between each chapter, and telling the story. Because really, it’s hard to tell the story with just one of those pieces. It’s two things I used to hate–I used to hate running, and I used to hate vegetables–that are also two vehicles of transformation for me. I couldn’t leave one of them out, really.”

Scott Jurek, on his motivation for writing his latest book, Eat & Run.

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