Mario Batali Sustainability Chief Defends Meatless Mondays
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 31st, 2012 in Chefs, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink.
Mario Batali "Molto Gusto"
Chef Thomas Keller made a statement to the New York Times that sounded as if he was not hopping on the bandwagon to cook with more sustainable ingredients anytime soon and that it wasn’t his job to do so.
“With the relatively small number of people I feed, is it really my responsibility to worry about carbon footprint?” Keller asked. “The world’s governments should be worrying about carbon footprint.
Elizabeth Meltz, director of sustainability for Mario Batali and several other popular chefs, responded to Keller’s comment on Bay Area Bites, suggesting that even observing something as simple as Meatless Monday can go a great way towards preserving the planet.
“Meatless Monday is not simply about adding vegetarian options to the menu (though that is the physical manifestation of it.) Meatless Monday is a message of moderation, reminding the world that the same chef [Batali]who was famously photographed with sausage links around his neck was also photographed with kohlrabi on his head in TIME magazine. Going meatless once a week can reduce a person’s risk for chronic preventable conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It can also help reduce an individual’s carbon footprint and save resources like fresh water and fossil fuels.”
“The simple answer to Chef Keller’s question: “Is it really my responsibility to worry about carbon footprint?” is, YES. It is everyone’s job to worry about sustainability. If he needs a more selfish motivation: he should worry because if he doesn’t choose wisely ten years from now he won’t have any fish left with which to create his art.”
More at Bay Area Bites.
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