Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Katie Lee Pineapple-Coconut Sundaes

Katie Lee

ABC’s Good Morning America is featuring several recipes for the Memorial Day Holiday and all of them are vegetarian friendly!

Some, like food critic Katie Lee‘s Pineapple-Coconut Sundaes, are even vegan friendly.

If you haven’t tried coconut ice cream as a delicious alternative to dairy, today might be a good time to do so. These sundaes show more than veggie burgers belong at the cookout, as pineapples are grilled slightly on each side before being topped with ice cream.

“For those who can’t get out of town on Memorial Day Weekend, these sundaes will instantly transport you to an exotic locale,” Lee said. “When you grill lightly the pineapple, the sugars come out and caramelize beautifully. They are the perfect treat for your backyard picnic.”

There’s nothing processed about this dessert’s toppings as it requires sprigs of fresh mint versus candies.

Reach for a coconut ice cream brand like So Delicious, which comes in a variety of flavors such as Vanilla Bean, Chocolate and Butter Pecan.

Grab Katie’s recipe for Pineapple-Coconut Sundaes and other celebrity Memorial Day treats here.

Photo:  James Yuanxin Li/Creative Commons

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