Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Bishop PETA Ad Has Chicks Falling For A Vegetarian (Video)

John Bishop PETA

One of Britain’s popular comedians thinks eating animals is no laughing matter.

John Bishop has posed in a new ad for PETA UK that reads, “Chicks Love a Vegetarian.”

Bishop has been a vegetarian for over 25 years, a move that was motivated by both working in a fast-food restaurant and seeing a cow being slaughtered on a farm.

“The cow was hanging up looking at me as if to say ‘you did this’”.

“Not only are vegetarians less prone to diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity than meat-eaters are, they also evade some of the risk of impotence because the artery-clogging animal fat and cholesterol in meat can slow the flow of blood to all the body’s organs – not just the heart,” writes PETA UK on its blog.

“And each vegetarian saves 100 animals a year from immense suffering on factory farms, in abattoirs, in nets or on the decks of fishing boats.”

Bishop incorporated his vegetarian views during one of his comedy skits. He discussed how eating veg was different in the 1980s compared to now.

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