Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Kilstein: God Created Animals To Eat Like He Created Banks For Eviction (Video)

Jamie Kilstein

Jamie Kilstein is a vegan comedian who’s been a guest on SIRIUS radio, Conan and co-hosts the Internet political radio show, Citizen Radio.

Describing himself as a former “fat fast food eating piece of shit” who would have eaten “baby fingers in Mcnugget form” if it had been cooked for him, Kilstein incorporates his vegan beliefs both in his comedy routines and his political discussions.

Speaking of political discussion, Kilstein has a great response to the “God made animals for us to eat” argument.

“I’ve helped old people cross the street. You wouldn’t be like, ‘God created buses for a reason.’ Or, ‘That baby’s choking!’ ‘God created marbles for a reason.’ . . . ‘That couple’s being evicted from their home.’ ‘God created Bank of America for a reason.'”

Of course, the politics of veggies isn’t always welcomed, as Kilstein describes in one of his routines below.

“I can get away with saying pretty much anything I want,” Kilstein said, giving examples of less negative audience reactions to topics like war and gays.

“And I’m like “sometimes I like to eat a salad” and they’re like “You pussy motherf*cker. Go back to Brooklyn. And they’re so mad.”

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