Quantcast Vegetarian StarBeyonce “People Magazine” Most Beautiful With Partially Vegan Diet


We know, we know.

You were almost named one of People‘s Most Beautiful Faces of 2012, but for some reason, you couldn’t fax over the release form to print your gorgeous mug in the mag.

It’s okay, because this year’s most beautiful may not be represented by a full time vegetarian, but Beyonce has reported that she and hubby Jay-Z follow a partially vegan diet.

While the singer was expecting, she told 20/20, “”I’ve been really conscious [about food].  I’ve been trying my best not to lose control!”

In reaction to winning this year’s title, she said. “I feel more beautiful than I’ve ever felt because I’ve given birth. I have never felt so connected, never felt like I had such a purpose on this earth.”

Congrats to the new mother with both her titles, and here’s hoping she continues to reduce her meat intake and maybe even start promoting it! She’s already helped to get America in shape by lending a version of her “Get Me Bodied” tune to the First Lady’s Let’s Move! campaign that encourages adolescent physical fitness.

Now excuse us while we try to stop eating those vegan chocolates we plan to send to congratulate her with.

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One Response to “Beyonce “People Magazine” Most Beautiful With Partially Vegan Diet”

  1. icare Says:

    Partially vegan?? WTH does that mean? I’m not vegan but even I know you’re either vegan or your not. And no she is not beautiful, she is a fur hag and contributes to the suffering of countless fur bearing animals raised, trapped, electrocuted or have their necks broken to provide for the fur industry. Fur is worn by beautiful animals and ugly people. Nuff said.