Quantcast Vegetarian StarRufus Wainwright Carries Lamb On The Vegetarian Wagon

Rufus Wainwright

Rufus Wainwright has admitted to the press he’s succumbed his fleshly desires.

The singer who made OUT magazine’s top 100 celebrities and said he’d rather eat a seitan or tempeh reuben because he felt like the real thing was eating his pet dog apparently doesn’t have a pet lamb because he had no problem gobbling up Mary during an interview.

Fortunately, his better half still lets the lamb follow him back home without getting butchered.

“I’ve tried to be a vegetarian as well, but I keep falling off the horse and, like, eating it,” Wainright said. “My boyfriend is a vegetarian and I admire him tremendously so I’ve tried to find a way to do it. But I have a sorta monster in me.”

We hope this monster doesn’t develop the high cholesterol problems he had before he turned veg–the very motivation behind his diet switch.

Watching clips of lamb slaughter, which include stunning the animals with electricity and then hanging them out to dry before cutting their throats, may also get him back on track.

And at least spare his boyfriend of having to watch him munch on rabbit cutlets at the dinner table.

Photo: Rufus Wainwright/Creative Commons

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