Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Bittman’s Chickpea Salad With Arugula

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Food and opinion writer for the New York Times Mark Bittman serves as a good example of how to live as a flexitarian for those that do not shun all animal products, for whatever reasons.

His self-invented “vegan until six p.m.” program helped him lose weight, lower cholesterol and incorporate a variety of plant-based meals into his diet, such as this Chickpea Salad with Arugula.

During a recent speech, he assured other potential flexitarians he’s not preaching the gospel of total vegetarian/veganism yet. He’s just asking that everyone do what he did. Trade the steak for seitan and see what it does for their health.

“What really matters is that we move from the cheeseburger end of the [eating] spectrum to the salad end,” Bittman said. “You never have to become a person who eats raw salads morning, noon and night. All that really matters, diet-wise, is that we eat more plants, and more real food based on plants and less industrially produced animal products, and way less hyper-processed junk.”

More closer to the salad end by trying Bittman’s Chickpea Salad (the egg is completely optional) tonight.

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